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This page provides technical tutorials to users of Catalyst.
Find the question that best summarizes your needs to get information about how to navigate the platform.
If you have any additional questions, please email
Getting Started
Uploading Evidence
Tracking Progress
Using Groups
How do I complete the self-assessment?
How do I identify my strengths?
How do I identify my goals?
How do I find resource recommendations to help me work towards my goals?
How do I upload evidence to Catalyst?
How do I share evidence with someone else?
How do I review evidence on Catalyst?
How do I track my progress?
How do I document my reflections?
How do I share my reflections with other users and groups?
What are groups on Catalyst?
How do I find and join a group on Catalyst?
How do I create a group on Catalyst?
How do I start a discussion board in a group?
How do I post an announcement in a group?