Easy Keto Gummies Recipe: Delicious and Healthy Snacks

Are you looking for a healthy and delicious snack that suits your keto lifestyle? Try these simple keto gummies! They have few ingredients, but are still sweet enough to satisfy your cravings without ruining your diet. These snacks will quickly become a favorite of yours whether you’re on strict ketosis or just trying to cut back on sugar during the day.

In addition to being tasty, these keto gummies have several health benefits. They hardly contain any carbs or sugar so they won’t give you an energy spike by raising blood sugar levels. Moreover, they contain collagen which is good for skin, hair, joints and gut health. With so few components needed for making them it takes no time at all!


These are the things you’ll need in order make these easy keto gummy bears;

1 cup of water

1/2 cup of powdered gelatin

1/4 cup erythritol powder


Take out a small saucepan and gently heat up some water over low heat until warm (but not boiling).

While constantly stirring, add in gelatine powder gradually until completely dissolved.

After that has happened also add powdered erythritol into the mix and continue stirring until it too dissolves fully.

Benefits of Keto Gummies:

Low in Carbs: These keto gummy bears have almost no carbohydrate content making them perfect for those who follow this type of diet plan strictly.

Sugar-Free: They are sweetened with erythritol which is a sugar alcohol that does not raise blood sugar levels at all.

High in Collagen: The main ingredient -gelatin- is rich in collagen; therefore it can be useful for improving the condition of one’s skin, hair and joints among other things.

Whether you need something quick and easy or just want an excuse to eat sweets guilt-free then look no further than these delicious little treats! With only a handful of simple ingredients required, they are perfect for any situation. Not only do they taste good but also bring several health benefits along with them. Give it a try and see how much fun snacking can really be!

So what are you waiting for? Try this out today and have a tasty yet healthy snack option ready in no time at all!